UniKoi vs Cloud Campaign

The top line

Cloud Campaign is built for publishing. Without the ability to tag incoming messages, you can’t report accurately on engagement — and you can’t make notes on or draft your replies, either.

Network Integration


Integrate whatever platforms you need to, all into the workflow and reporting categories that work for you.

Cloud Campaign

Limited to 7 traditional platforms and one review platform.



Include ALL of your platforms in your reporting, utilizing your custom categories and AI-supported sentiment analysis to get a complete picture of your social engagement.

Cloud Campaign

Extremely limited social engagement reporting - their Help documents don’t even mention comment management!

Draft and Review Replies


Draft your replies to social comments and push through a specifically designed review and approval workflow. Get the feedback you need on the comment you’re working on.

Cloud Campaign

You can repurpose the “notes” field to send short messages about a comment, but you can’t save draft replies.

Frequent Flier Reports


Track your commenters and what their comments are so you can stay informed on your frequent fliers.

Cloud Campaign

No ability to consistently track or manage your commenters.